Sifu John Morrow

Sifu John Morrow

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Day 37 The Child is the Father of the Man

Up at 6:20 a.m. 6.5 hours of sleep. weight - 168 lbs. I woke up just in time. I dreamed I was filling up a plate of food at my Mother's house. 7:00 a.m. drank 5.5 oz. V-8. 7:15 a.m. Optimist Club meeting - was presented with the International President's Citation award. I don't know why. Sipped on 15 oz. orange juice and 10 oz. cup of coffee. 10:30 taught class - medium work out 2:00 p.m. drank 14 oz. fresh apple-carrot-ginger juice. 3:00 p.m. taught 30 minute lesson. 4:30 - 8:45 taught kids, teen, then adult classes. I had a dream about my father last night. (he passed away in 1977 at the age of 50). It was like he was coming back from a long absence or maybe had a stroke. He didn't recognize me at first. It was strange being eight years older than my dad. I wonder if he would understand what I'm doing. I wonder if many people do, for that matter. Push ups For Peace benefits Q.C. Children's Therapy Center and Kids Against Hunger. My workouts symbolize therapy for the kids. My fasting symbolizes the fight against not only hunger, but also obesity and addiction. I think my dad would have been proud. I hope so.

Day 36 Mad Max Monday

Up at 6:30 a.m. 8 hours of rest, 6.5 hours of sleep. weight - 168 lbs. 7:15 drank 3 oz. of aloe vera juice. 7:30 drank 20 oz. smoothie with 24 grams protein. Sipped on 16 oz. green tea till 10:00 a.m. 11:15 a.m. drank a 20 0z. fruit smoothie with 24 grams of protein. I figured with the weight loss and the work out today I could use a lot of protein. 12:15 to 1:15 p.m. did hour of power workout today. did 1,886 knuckle push ups 180 one and a half second perfect push ups for a total of 2,066 push ups. drank 20 oz. Gatorade during hour. 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. taught lessons. 4:15 drank 7.6 oz. of natural fruit smoothie - 15 grams of protein. 4:30 to 7:45 - taught classes- did exercises with students. through out night did 150 push ups, 165 leg lifts and 125 sit ups. 6:30 drank 7.6 oz. of fruit smoothie. 15 grams of protein. Had a great work out day today. Feeling strong and well. My plan is to max out on push ups today, and taper down this week to be ready for Saturday.

Day 35 Eye Of The Tiger

Up at 6:45 a.m. 8 hours of sleep. weight - 170 lbs. 8:00 a.m. Left Moline for Morris Ill. for a karate tournament. Drank a 20 oz. Gatorade on the way up. Since tournaments are long days, and Black Belts are expected to judge, I thought it would be wise to have something to get me through the day. 10:15 arrived at tournament site. Started judging form competition - sipped on a GURU energy drink from the health food store. I acted as referee and judge most of the afternoon. 4:30 p.m. competed in advanced black belt weapons form division placed 1st. I was #4 to go in the empty hand form division and got 1st place in that as well. 5:15 p.m. fought one match and lost. It felt good to compete again, It had been over a year since I last competed and six months since I've even sparred with anyone. I think I lost the match because I wasn't patient enough to use strategy and just started banging away. It was fun though. Next time however I need to train more for the sparring event and not just form. It's like I'm hungry again. (in the competition sense). It was not the typical Fastivus Sunday, but I had a lot of fun and made some friends. By the way, there a lot of good "over fifty" fighters out there.

Day 34 Yin-Yang And The Restless

Up at 7:15 a.m. 6.5 hours of sleep weight - 171 lbs. 8:30 taught senior swat class - light workout did stick work, hand drills and staff manipulation. 10:00 taught kids class. Drank 20 oz. Gatorade for the next two hours. 11:00 Adult class - light workout. 12:30 taught lesson - drank 7 oz. protein drink, 9 grams of protein. 4:00 p.m. arrived home. 4:30 drank 17 oz. of V-8. 5:15 - drank 14 oz. of Muscle Milk Light. 20 grams of protein. 7:30 drank 16 oz. cranberry - pomegranate beverage. 8:45 drank 16 oz. more of cranberry pomegranate beverage. Took it easy this evening and relaxed but feeling restless. I would have rather done something, but it was wiser to do nothing. I practiced my forms today so I should be ready tomorrow for the tournament.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Day 33 Easy To Be Hard

Up at 6:15 a.m. 7.5 hours of sleep. weight - 172 lbs. 7:00 a.m. taught class - did staff and stick fighting drills. did only 4 sets 25 knuckle push ups. 8:45 a.m. to 9:45 - had 12 oz. orange juice and 12 0z. cup of coffee at Cup o' Jo's. 10:00 -11:30 sipped on 20 oz. coffee with 39 grams of protein mixed in. 12:15 p.m. did hour of power. 3 sets of 35 wrist push ups then 2 sets 40 knuckle push ups every 5 minutes, a total of 2,220 for the hour. It went very well today. I felt strong all the way through with only a little difficulty at the end. There was very little pain in the wrists but the skin was raw from the carpet. Drank a Cliff Quench sport drink 16 fl. oz. during the hour. 9 people were present. 2:30 p.m. taught knife throwing lesson till 3:45. drank 15 oz. fruit smoothie at 4:30. 30 grams of protein. 8:30 p.m. drank 17 oz. of V-8. Played scrabble till 9:40. 11:00 p.m. - drank 7 oz. of A&W root beer and allowed a small ball of chocolate to dissolve in my mouth. I guess I really went wild. Forgive me. Today went very well. I enjoy Fridays even though it's the hardest day of training. Only eight days till Push Ups for Peace.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Day 32 Boxing outside the thought.

Up at 7:30 a.m. - 7 hours of sleep. weight - 171 lbs. 10:30a.m. - taught class, did exercises with students - 25 push ups, 50 leg lifts, 75 sit ups. 12:00 taught 30 min. lesson. 1:30 p.m. drank 12 oz. egg drop soup broth. 1:30 drank - 14 oz. fresh carrot-apple-ginger juice. 2:45p.m. - drank 15 0z. Naked brand Green Machine Super food juice smoothie. 3:00 to 7:30 p.m. taught lessons and classes. light workout in teen class. Drank 20 oz. Gatorade during class. I think I will go to a karate tournament on Sunday, day 35 and compete in form and sparring competition. It is a water only day but I think I can do it. It should be fun. I'll have to dust off my sparring gear and shadow box a little. I'm feeling faster than I did a few weeks ago. Looking forward to the challenge. Today's Fortun-E-cookie: You have already fought the match before you step into the ring.

Day 31 Routine Zen Life

Up at 7:45 a.m. 8.5 hours of sleep. weight - 172 lbs. 8:50 - drank 20 oz. cup of coffee slowly over two hour period. 9:00 - taught private lesson. 10:45 drank 14 0z. Muscle Milk Light - 20 grams of protein. 11:00 workout - did 2 second alternating progressive perfect push ups with Ian Fink. Here's how it works. First I do a push up, then the other person does one, then I do two then he does two, then I do three and so on. I went from 1 to 23 + 23 before failure, for a total of 299 2 sec. perfect push ups. Also did 14 flights of stairs, 16 leg extensions(90#), 12 leg curls(60#), 14 rope wrist rolls(10#) and 25 knuckle push ups on the sidewalk. 1:00 p.m. - taught 30 min. lesson. 3:30 - taught 30 min. lesson. 4:15 p.m. - drank 15 oz. fruit smoothie, 30 grams of protein. 4:15 - 7:45p.m. - taught classes, did exercises with students, included 65 push ups, 160 leg lifts and 90 sit ups. drank 20 oz. Gatorade during classes. Just another day in the holiday of Fastivus. Feeling good and strong and enthused about life. after 30 days of fasting things start to normalize. Today's fortun-E-cookie: knowing with out doing is like a table without legs.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Day 30 Fast Times at Plateau High

Up at 6:00 a.m. 6.5 hours of sleep. weight - 170 lbs. Yikes! I knew I was really busy yesterday but I didn't expect to drop that much weight all of a sudden. But then again I have seen it happen before. 7:45 - 8:45 Optimist club meeting. Speaker was Mayor of Davenport. A good meeting as usual. drank 30 oz. 1/2 orange juice 1/2 water till 9:15 10:30 taught class - light workout. 12:30 p.m. drank 7 oz. smoothie 11 grams of protein. 1:30 stopped by K&K Hardware, Bettendorf Life Fitness, Muscle Max and Johnny Haynes' house. 1:45 p.m. - drank 20 fl. oz. of Cyto Max, 40 grams of protein. 3:00 taught lesson. 4:15 - 7:30 taught classes, drank 20 oz. Gatorade during that time. 9:45 drank large mug and a half of chicken soup broth. added a pinch each of garlic powder, celery salt, curry, cumin and ginger. I tried to take a little extra protein today just to keep the weight up. My wife asked me when I got home " What are you so happy about?" I said "I'm not carrying around the thirty pounds I was 4 weeks ago so I feel pretty good almost all the time." blaiku titled "Fast Time" - Afternoon hours creep/days run in, blur then fade out/weekends stall, month gone.

Day 29 Another Manic Monday

Up at 7:am 8.5 hours of sleep. weight - 174 lbs. 8:10 a.m. went to Fusion for 3 oz. aloe vera juice, 16 oz. green tea and 20 oz. protein smoothie - 20 grams of protein. 8:20 visited St. Ambrose University, Greatest Grains Natural Foods, 97x, Dav. Police Dept., Scott Co. Centennial Building and 7th Judicial district Dept. of Corrections to promote Push Ups for Peace. 10: 30 worked in office - made calls. 12:10 drank 9 0z. smoothie - 19 grams of protein. Sipped on 20 oz. coffee. 12:30 workout - included 100 push ups, 40 reverse rack rows, 60 dips, 25 more rev. rack rows, 25 upward rowing (65 lbs.) plus bicep and tricep work. 1:30 more calls and paper work. 2:50 - 3:50 taught priv. lesson. 4:15 to 5:30 p.m. taught kids class. 5:30 - 7:30 taught adult classes did exercises with students - included 50 push ups, 110 leg lifts, 70 sit ups. 7:30 wrote comment to Andy Rooney on 60 Minutes. 11:10 p.m. did 140 push ups on palms in 62 seconds. Well, it was a very busy day. I had a lot of energy and got a lot done. I wish you could have joined me but at least you can read this blog. I'm looking forward to the event May 1st. I hope you can join us there. Today's fortun -E- cookie: Enjoy life's pleasure in work, then reap the treasure.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Day 28 Suprising Sunday Stamina

Up at 9:30 a.m. 6.5 hours of sleep. weight - 174 lbs. Today is the 4th Sunday of Fastivus, a day of rest and water only. 1:30 arrived at Channel 8 for Children's Therapy Center telethon. Helped present check for 500 dollars from the Optimist Club. Did a live Interview with James Zahara to promote Push ups for Peace. We ended up doing push ups on the air . I did 115 push ups in about 55 seconds. It was fun. 6:55 p.m. Watching 60 Minutes and saw a segment by Andy Rooney on "desire". I think I'll write a comment on the CBS website. 7:00 p.m. did yard work for about 50 minutes. 8:00 Felt energetic, went for a walk probably about 3 miles. 9:10 got back from the walk felt really good, not tired or weak like previous Sundays. I feel great, even on only water and 6 hours of sleep. I guess it must be the 4 week Fastivian euphoria. It's amazing the energy and well being one can have on a fast.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Day 27 Centering to the Point

Up at 7:20 a.m. 6.5 hours of sleep. weight - 174 lbs. 8:30 taught senior class, worked stick drills and knife throwing. drank 8.3 oz. of GURU natural energy drink (contains guarana, echinacea, panax ginseng, and ginkgo biloba). 10:00 a.m. taught kids class. drank 20 oz. Gatorade. taught adult class, did exercises with students. 12:30 p.m. taught lesson. 1:15 to 3:15 p.m. conducted knife throwing seminar. Had fun throwing a variety of knives and weapons. 3:30 drank 20 oz. Gatorade. 4:30 p.m. drank 15.2 oz. of Bolthouse Farms drink. 19 grams of protein. 5:15 I practiced some knife throwing on my own. 7:20 drank 14 oz. Muscle Milk, 25 grams of protein.Feeling restless since 6:30 or 7:00. Saturdays seem to do that to me. Even though I slept less than 7 hours, I'm not tired yet. 8:30 to 9:00 drank 12 oz. egg drop soup broth. Had a good day today. Even the kid's class went well. Tomorrow is total water day. We'll see how it goes. Blaiku # 6 Hand, knife and mind one/ target center draws the point/ thought birthing action.

Day 26 A Full Day - Running on Empty

Up at 6:45 a.m. 7 hours of sleep weight - 175 lbs. 7:15 taught early class work out included 3 sets of 35 knuckle push ups, 50 leg lifts, 35 sit ups, 50 side leg lifts, 30 twisting sit ups. 8:45 to 9:40 a.m. had 22 oz. cup of coffee with 25 grams protein powder mixed in at Cup O' Jo's. 10:a.m. drank 6 oz. 0f China Cola with supplements. (You can swallow pills easier with a carbonated beverage. Did you know that?) 10:30 a.m. conducted class, included a very light workout. 11:45 drank 19 gram protein drink. 12:15-1:15 p.m. did hour of power work out. As you know, that is a set of push ups every minute for an hour. I alternated with 35 back of the hand push ups one minute and 15 slow perfect push ups ( one and a half seconds) the next, for a total of 1500 push ups for an hour. 1:30 p.m. did 20 minute heavy bag work out with partner. ten 30 second rounds, for a total of 550 punches. 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. taught lesson. 7:30 drank 6oz. of China Cola. 8:15 drank 15 oz. protein juice smoothie. 30 grams of protein. Had another great day of fasting and training. The back of the hand push ups weren't that hard just a little painful getting in and out of position. There's a good chance I can beat the record. 1,940.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Day 25 Fast Is As Fast Does

Up at 7:15 a.m. 8 hours of sleep weight - 175 lbs. 8:30 a.m. drank 14 oz. of diluted orange- cran pomegranate juice. 9:00 a.m. drank 20 oz. coffee. 10:30 a.m. conducted class, included usual exercise - 15 knuckle push ups, 50 leg lifts, 35 sit ups, 12 finger tip push ups, 50 side leg lifts, 30 twisting sit ups, 8 fist together push ups, 10 V-ups. 1:45 p.m. drank 20 oz. Gatorade. 3:15 drank 14 oz. fresh juiced carrot-apple-ginger from Heritage Natural Foods. 3:15 to 7:00 p.m. taught classes, did exercises with 6:00 teen class. Feeling great today. My body seems to like 175 lbs. Also, I'm on the last hole in my belt. Carrying around 25 lbs. less is a great burden off my body. However, removing desires from my self is an even greater relief. Blaiku #5 - A burden lifted/ lighter than before I soar/ unfettered by desires.

Day 24 Mojo in the Dojo

Up at 7:35 a.m. 8 hours of sleep weight - 175 lbs. 7:50 a.m. drank 12 oz. of orange-cran-pomegranate 9:30 12 oz. more of same drink as above. 9:30 drank 20 oz. of coffee with 20 grams of protein mixed in. 10:30 drank 20 oz. Gatorade. 11:40 work out: 35 reverse rack rows (horizontal pull up), progressive curls on 65 lb. curling bar 1 - 8, total = 36, 10 lb. wrist rolls on rope, parking garage 16 flights of stairs. bench press 135 lbs. 1 set of 15 1 set of 20. 4:00 p.m. drank protein juice smoothie. 30 grams of protein. 4:15 - 7:15 p.m. taught classes, did exercises with students. 5:30 - 35 push ups, 80 leg lifts, 40 sit ups. 6:30 class - 50 push ups, 100 leg lifts, 65 sit ups. drank 20 oz. Gatorade during classes. 8:55 - did 36 2-sec. perfect push ups for 72 seconds. Had some good work outs today. I feel good at this weight. Blaiku #4 Work now, fulfillment/ and happiness follow but/ indulge - sad storm brews.

Day 23 Chicken Soup for the Spirit

Up at 6:00 a.m. - 5.5 hours of sleep. weight 174 lbs. 7:15 a.m. Optimist club meeting. drank 30 oz. of 1/2 orange juice 1/2 water 8:30 am - 9:00 took nap. 11:30 drank 14 oz. carrot-apple-ginger fresh juice. 11:55 drank 15 oz. Naked brand juice smoothie 30 grams of protein. 12:20 to 1:40 took grand kids to Family museum in Bettendorf. 2:00 to 2:45 p.m. taught lesson. 3:00 to 4:00 drank 20 oz. Gatorade. 4:00 to 7:00 taught kids then teens. 7:15 p.m. drank 7oz. Perfectly protein drink. 9 grams of protein. 7:30 p.m. taught class. Did exercises with students -15 knuckle push ups, 30 leg lifts, 20 sit ups, 10 finger tip push ups, 30 side leg lifts, 20 twisting sit ups, 8 fist together push ups, 10 V- ups. 9:30 drank large mug and a half of Ross's Chicken soup broth. It was good. Still feeling great, enjoying the fasting life style even more every day. Blaiku # 3 - Mind summons spirit/ aiming over the mountain/ the body follows.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Day 22 A Strong Start.

Up at 7:55 a.m. 9.5 hours 0f sleep. weight - 174.5 lbs. 7:15 up long enough to 16 oz. of 1/2 orange and cran-pomegranate juice and 1/2 water. 8:50 a.m. drank 8 oz. of 1/2 cran-pomegranate 1/2 water. 9:30 drank 3oz. aloe vera juice, 16 oz. green tea and 20 oz. protein smoothie 24 grams of protein. 12:10 to 1:30 p.m. drank 13 oz. Amazon energy drink from the natural food store. Did progressive perfect push ups 2 seconds each. 55 total plus 25 dips - 50 leg lifts- 25 vertical sit ups on the inversion table, 65 more 2 sec. perfect push ups, 25 more dips- 50 more leg lifts-25 more vertical sit ups and 33 consecutive perfect push ups to failure. 1:30 p.m. drank 10 oz. diluted cran-pomegranate juice. 3:00 p.m. - drank 15 oz. of Naked brand fruit smoothie 30 grams of protein. 4:30 taught kids class. 5:25 - 6:25 p.m. drank 20 oz. Gatorade. 5:30 taught class did exercises with students. 7:30 arrived home. 8:30 to 11:00 played scrabble with daughter. scored a 99 point turn in the 3rd game. 10:15 p.m. drank diluted cran-pomegranate juice. 11:20 did 142 push ups on my palms in a minute. Had a great day. Felt strong all day. It was worth enduring the weekend to be here now.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Day 21 Weakend

Up at 8:50 a.m. 8 hours 0f rest, 7 hours of sleep. weight 175 lbs. Today is the 3rd Sunday of Fastivus. a totally water day, or fast within a fast. I've lost more weight than expected. Spent the day relaxing. Took the grandchildren for a walk. Had a birthday party for my son with Happy Joe's Pizza and Whitey's ice cream turtle pie. It's not so bad missing out on the food, but missing out on sharing the enjoyment of the food together. It's difficult, but as long as everyone is having a good time and you are a part of it, it's fine. The days are very long at this point and I'm low on energy but lots of rest tonight and some nourishment tomorrow and everything will be great.
Blaiku (blog haiku) #2 Thoughts, desires come/ and go like steaming vapors/ exit the mind's loose fist.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Day 20 Empty Restlessness

Up at 7:45 a.m. 6.5 hours of sleep. weight - 177 lbs. 8:10 a.m. drank 12 oz. 1/2 cran- pomegranate 1/2 water. 8:30 a.m. taught joint lock training class. 9:45 drank 18 oz. Dole strawberry - kiwi juice with some water added. 11:00 conducted class did light workout with students. 12:15 drank 20 oz. Gatorade. 12:30 to 2:00 taught lessons. 4:00 Got home had 5.5 oz. V8 5:35 drank 11 oz. Vita Coca coconut water with pineapple juice. 6:15 Sat down with family for a meal. Slowly drank 15 0z. Sunkist Pina -Colada complete protein smoothie 20 grams of protein. 6:30 to 8:30 sat around on the deck, enjoyed the evening. 8:45 went with my son to his friend's house to watch UFC. till 11:45 p.m. Kind of late for me. It was kind of a hard day for me. A part of me wanted to join in and eat with the family. I also felt restless in the early evening. However it helps to remember the long term fulfillment of fasting over temporary cravings. Of course it's better not to be around food but when you can't avoid it you must stay detached from it. Blaiku (blog haiku) #1 Fullness so empty/ emptiness so fulfilling/ when the fast is on.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Day 19 Part 2 of 3 Workouts

2:30 p.m. taught lesson 4:30 drank 7.5 oz. of Bolthouse Farms protein drink 10 grams of protein. 5:00 went to bank. 5:20 got home put clothes in dryer. 5:30 did yard work for 45 min. 6:15 went for a mile walk. 7:2o did three blogs at once, day 17, 18, and19. ( hope you didn't miss 17 and 18). 9:30 p.m. drank 15.2 Oz's. of Perfectly Protein. 10 grams of protein. Felt good today, had three great workouts. I think it's possible to break the present world record. reason #19 for fasting - to increase strength, stamina and resolve.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Day 19 My Three Workouts

Up at 6:10 a.m. 7.5 hours of sleep. weight - 178 lbs. feeling a little more sleepy than I like. 7:00 a.m. taught early bird class. did 4 sets of 50 push ups, 50 leg lifts, 35 sit ups, 50 more leg lifts 30 more sit ups. did dragon form, tai chi speed (very slow). 3 students in attendance. 8:45 a.m. Went to Cup o' Jo's - drank (over a 45 min. period), 22 oz. coffee with 30 grams of whey protein powder mixed in. protein 25 grams. 14 oz. of orange juice. (I never take sugar with coffee so I take a sip of orange juice then a sip of coffee, back and forth. try it it's good.) 10:30 a.m. taught class - did 10 slow knuckle push ups. 25 slow leg lifts, 15 slow sit ups, 10 slow fingertip push ups, 30 side leg lifts, 8 slow fist together push ups. directed 10 minutes zero tolerance martial arts floor drills. There were 8 students in attendance. 12:15 to 1:15 p.m. did Hour of Power drank 8.3 oz. of GURU 100% natural energy drink. did alternate 42 knuckle push ups with 33 wrist push ups every minute for an hour. For a total of 2,250 push ups in an hour. 5 people were in attendance with me Ian, a retired police officer Jeanette, a social worker Terry, sergeant U.S. army reserves John, a plumber and Dustin, a college researcher.

Day 18 Itch And Scratch

Up at 7:05 a.m. 7 hours of sleep. weight - 178 lbs. 8:45 drank 20 oz. of G2 Gatorade. 10:30 a.m. taught class did chi kung and ran forms at tai chi speed. 1:30 p.m. drank 14 oz. fresh juiced carrot - apple - ginger drink. 2:00 had interview at McDonald's with Bettendorf News reporter. (I have nothing against that corporation. They don't make me eat their food). 4:00 to 7:30 p.m. taught classes to kids and teens. did basic routine of push ups, leg lifts and sit ups with teen class. drank 11.2 0z. Vita Coco coconut water with acai and pomegranate. 10:00 drank 5.5 oz. of V8 before bed.
... Many people may wonder - What is the key to dieting, exercising regularly or avoiding bad foods? How do you get the self control? Strange as it may sound, self control is not the way to go. You might as well create an itch and try not to scratch it. Why not cut out the middle man and not have the itch in the first place. How? By figuring out what you really, really want. Is it short term pleasure or long term fulfillment and happiness? You can eliminate cravings and desires by looking and working toward something positive and bigger than yourself. ... reason #18 for fasting: to see how thoughts and desires work.

Day 17 Ice Cream Nice Dream

Up at 6:15 a.m. 7.5 hours of sleep. weight - 179 lbs. 8:30 - 9:00 - drank 18 0z. 0f coconut - pineapple natural energy drink. 10:30 - drank 15 0z. Bolt house Farms Perfectly Protein 19 grams of protein. 11:00 - 12:20 did combat conditioning work out. included Hindu push ups, one leg up push ups, 60 kneeling horse squats, 4 minute Chinese chair, side leg lifts, no momentum sit ups and more. 12:30 drank 20 oz. Gatorade. 4:00 - 8:00 taught classes, worked out with students. 8:15 p.m. drank 10 oz. Almond Breeze drink. Feeling better than ever. My body is moving with ease. less joint pain and more flexibility. A lady dropped by with a gallon of Whitey's ice cream and a large carrot cake for her niece's birthday party. I have greatly enjoyed ice cream, with cake, with pie, with cookies. But now I have no desire or craving for these things. I remember liking ice cream, but now frozen bovine mammary secretions have no interest for me. I remember liking it but now that seems like an illusion or dream. Strangely enough as an eater, my fast seemed like a dream. Unburdened by cravings I find freedom and happiness. reason #17 for fasting: to find the path to true control of your self.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Day 16 Dieters May Have "Wait" Problem

Up at 6:15 a.m. 7 hours of sleep, weight - 180 lbs. 7:15 a.m. Optimist club meeting
8:30 Push ups For Peace committee meeting. 9:30 taught lesson. 10:3o taught class
drank 12 fl. oz. Amazon Energy drink. 12:30 drank 15 fl. oz. of 1/2 orange juice 1/2 H2o.
3:30 -7:00 p.m. taught classes. did exercises with teen class. 6:00 drank 16 oz. of almond dream. 7:00 to 7:30 - weapons training. Maybe you've noticed my weight has not changed
in four days. This is not unusual in a fast. What allows me to fast is the very thing that frustrates eaters on a diet. A slow metabolism. If I'm having 4 day plateau fasting, just think what you could have just eating less. So if you are trying to lose weight on any diet, be prepared
to give it time. Siddhartha said " I can think, I can wait, I can fast. reason # 16 to fast - to
watch your body improve it's form. (as long as you exercise and listen to your body).

Day 15 Guinness World Records

Up at 6:45 a.m. 9 hours of sleep. weight - 180 lbs. 8:20 drank 6 oz. of aloe vera juice.
10:oo to 11:30 drank 20 oz. coffee with 25 grams of whey protein mixed in.
12:15 t0 1:30 p.m. time for workout - did 55 2 sec. perfect push ups, 50 leg lifts with 2 bricks,
36 more perfect push ups, ran 12 flights of stairs, and 29 more perfect push ups.
2:15 p.m. drank 20 oz. Gatorade. 3:30 drank 15.2 oz. Bolthouse Farms Perfectly Protein, 19 grams of protein. 4:30 - 7:45 p.m. taught classes - did push ups, leg lifts, sit ups with the students.
8:30 p.m. drank 14 oz. of green tea.
I received an e-mail from Guinness World Records regarding my attempt for most push ups on the knuckles. " ...and so we suggest you attempt this instead: 'Most push ups (using back of hands) in an hour'. The current record is 1,940 set by Paddy Doyle, Birmingham, UK on 8 November 2007." This was disappointing. There's no way to appeal their decision. I'm going to have to take their challenge. It's gonna' be painful. But It'll hurt so good. reason # 15 for fasting: To face trials while believing for the best outcome.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Day 14 The Family Easter Feast Fast

Up at 8:45 a.m. 8 hours of sleep. weight - 180 lbs. 9:00 left for church - stuffed plastic eggs with candy for an Easter egg hunt in church basement. 10:45 hit the road for Houghton Ia. 1:15 p.m. Everyone sat down for a delicious meal of ham, potatoes, rice, vegetables and desserts such as German chocolate cake and key lime pie. Easter Sunday for me happens to fall on the 2nd Sunday of Fastivus. As you may know from a previous blog, Fastivians drink only water on Sunday. We eat no food for 41 days. We drink only fruit juices and protein drinks. Chicken soup broth is permitted twice a week. So Sunday is a fast within a fast. So here I am, sitting at the table with all this great food, drinking my water. I steer the conversation away from myself or fasting once the initial " aren't you eating" is asked. A good fastivian is considerate of eaters and has no need to talk of his practice. Nor does he have any real desire for food. That is gone during Fastivus. As Grand Elder of Fastivus I do not depend on food as a source gratification or comfort as eaters do. I look forward and prepare for the Great Feat to close the Fastivus season.
reason #14 for fasting - to triumph over impulses, cravings and desires for long term happiness.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Day 13 Zen Fast In Wonderland

Up at 7:00 a.m. 8 hours of sleep. weight - 180 lbs. I was surprised to see I had dropped 5 lbs. However, with three workouts, a B.M., and a low intake, I guess it makes sense. Fridays are pretty intense. 8:30a.m. taught class - light workout, drank 20 oz. Gatorade. 10:00 taught kids class. 11:00 taught adult class - light workout drank 15.2 oz. protein drink - 10 grams of protein. 12:30 p.m. taught one private lesson. 1:00 p.m. drank 7 oz. protein drink - 5 grams of protein. 1:10 - 2:55 conducted a knife throwing seminar. knife throwing is a very zen activity, and fun too. 4:25 p.m. went to the showing of Alice In Wonderland with Johnny Depp. When I fast, it seems like I've fallen into a different world as well. Time kind of slows down. there's no lunch time, no dinner time, just time. People who complain about time going by too quickly should fast. You just fall into the present and stay there. It's good for you. 6:30 p.m. 5 .5 oz. of V8. 9:00 p.m. 5.5 more 0z. of V8. reason #13 for fasting - to slow down time and think more.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Day 12 A Good Friday

Up at 6:20 a.m. 7.5 hours of sleep - weight 185 lbs. 7:00- taught the early class till 8:15 a.m. workout included 4 sets of 50 push ups, as well as 100 leg lifts and 60 sit ups. 9:00 - sipped on 10 oz. orange juice and 10 oz. coffee with 10 grams of protein powder. 10:30 - taught class - light workout drills and staff work. 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. - did 15 push ups per minute for total of 900 perfect push ups about 1.5 seconds each. 1:45 drank 20 oz. Gatorade 4:45 drank 11 oz. E.A.S. Myoplex light shake - 20 grams of protein. Had a great day today. I would rather have three good workouts and no meals than the other way around. They say a fast can make you weak. I say not if you do it right. Reason # 12 for fasting - To get stronger. Jesus said "Man does not live by bread alone." Find the true source of your strength.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Day 11 Pleasure vs. Happiness

Up at 7:50 a.m. 8.5 hours of sleep. weight - 185 lbs. 8:45 to 9:25 a.m. - drank 16 oz. coffee. 9:30 taught lesson. 10:30 - drank 16 oz. Arizona blueberry white tea till 11:30. Taught classes 10:30 to noon. 2:45 p.m. - drank 12 0z. fresh carrot-apple-ginger juice from Heritage Natural Foods. 3:30 - 7:00p.m. taught classes to kids and teenagers. I've noticed that I have been happier in the last week even though I haven't had the pleasure of a meal and have working almost constantly. It occurred to me that many people who seek and get pleasure are not happy. Smoking, drinking and eating are examples of pleasure many people pursue to excess. Too much and prolonged pleasure in smoking can bring lung disease. Too much pleasure in eating brings overweight conditions, then obesity. Too much drinking can bring drunkenness with tragic results. When pleasure is the goal it may not lead to happiness. Long term happiness seems to result from meaningful and fulfilling activities. So is true happiness the sum of your pleasures? Or is it the fruit of your positive efforts? Reason #11 to fast - to move from the ordinary state of mind to bliss (happy for no reason).

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Day 10 Success through Failure

Up at 8:00 a.m. 9 hours of sleep. weight - 187 lbs. 9:25 - drank 8.25 fl. oz. of Muscle Milk 15 grams of protein. 11:45 - drank 11 oz of E. A. S. 20 grams of protein. 12 noon - 1:30 worked out. did sets of exercises till failure (till no more repititions can be done with out losing proper form) 120 push ups, 75 dips, 55 reverse rack rows, 30 upward rows, 30 incline presses, up and down 16 flights of stairs, 25 reps of bicep and tricep dumbbell curls. 4:00 drank 8.25 oz. protein drink - 15 grams of protein. 4:30 to 7:45 p.m. - taught classes. Had a good workout with the last class - did 75 push ups 100 leg lifts 50 sit ups

Had a good day today. good workouts and stayed with three protein drinks only. weighed in one pound more today. not easy when you're fasting, unless you drink a lot of salty soup. I'm feeling better every day. I'm down two more holes on my belt, my knee bends more and I can jump higher. my feeling of well being is increasing. reason #10 for fasting - to improve flexibility & lessen joint pain (many joint problems are made worse by being overweight).